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Katrina Johnson, KJ Counselling says the most valuable thing she got from my Steps to Success Programme is "confidence".  It helped her to start growing her private practice and building her online presence. Here are some other things she said about our work together:


“we connected so well from the beginning.”


“... it gave me some focus and clarity about where I was at and where I wanted to get to”


“Liked you checking in with what I said I was going to do and where I was at with that. If I had any barrier or questions, it stopped me overthinking it and just get on with it.”


“You built up  my confidence to feel like a competent private practitioner. Broke down a lot of my concerns.”


“I have already you recommended you. I think the beauty of person centred therapists is the non judgemental aspect of it and you certainly were that. I never felt there was anything I couldn't ask. You also were exceptionally respectful of the fact I already was very skilled and experienced and utilised that.”


Charlotte Clements, Charlotte Clements Counselling & Psychotherapy started using Facebook to market her practice with the help of one of my Facebook webinars:


"I attended a webinar Tonia ran on marketing your facebook page and contacted her afterwards to ask for some more specific help. She was very generous with her time and knowledge in this area. She has clearly made a success of using Facebook to market her private practice and genuinely cares about helping other people to do the same."


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